Great Advertising during the Coronavirus Crisis: Sam’s Club

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Sam's Club Thank you Ad

What kind of advertising should you be running at a time like this?

This kind of advertising. Click to watch the ad.

Sam’s Club just aired the perfect ad for our times. 

This is a GREAT ad. It resonates at a time like this and sends the right message – thanking its workers. Bravo to @samsclub and their agency. Instead of promoting products in their stores, they used their video and television placements to connect with customers and show appreciation to their employees. This is an excellent example of a company that understands its customer and is able to execute strategic brand work at its best.

Brands once put consumers at the heart of it all. Today, many of them


A Cautionary Tale of How Rebranding Can Impact SEO

Posted Leave a commentPosted in Business, Corporate Strategy, Digital Marketing, Growth
Sam's Club Thank You Ad

Be careful! Rebranding can have a negative effect on SEO.

Logojoy was forced to lay off 80% of their staff as a result of a failed rebranding.

Here is an example of how a rebranding impacted SEO and revenue – with disastrous consequences. 

Following is a story of how rebranding can impact SEO and revenue with negative consequences.

Logojoy, a leading logo design site with over 5 million customers and $7 million in funding, rebranded to Looka in May of 2019. At the same time, it expanded by adding new services including business cards and websites. As reported by Betakit, the rebranding was disastrous, with significant impact to SEO and revenue. In 5 months, organic SEO lead traffic